LAG: Zelda To PacMan (2x10G)

The statistics were last updated Monday, 15 May 2023 at 6:55,
at which time 'Zelda.Localtel' had been up for 302 days, 3:04:15.

`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 26.9 Mb/s (0.1%) 1713.1 kb/s (0.0%) 20.8 kb/s (0.0%)
Out 424.9 Mb/s (2.1%) 38.1 Mb/s (0.2%) 109.3 kb/s (0.0%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 1167.2 Mb/s (5.8%) 58.6 Mb/s (0.3%) 1383.7 kb/s (0.0%)
Out 4904.2 Mb/s (24.5%) 181.0 Mb/s (0.9%) 210.6 kb/s (0.0%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

Max Average Current
In 1167.2 Mb/s (5.8%) 29.0 Mb/s (0.1%) 1297.9 kb/s (0.0%)
Out 4904.2 Mb/s (24.5%) 98.0 Mb/s (0.5%) 758.0 kb/s (0.0%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current
In 1905.6 Mb/s (9.5%) 12.5 Mb/s (0.1%) 2535.5 kb/s (0.0%)
Out 6721.1 Mb/s (33.6%) 60.6 Mb/s (0.3%) 67.4 Mb/s (0.3%)
GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second
DARK GREEN ### Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic
MAGENTA ### Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic