LAG: Sonic to NexCore D (10G)

The statistics were last updated Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 1:17,
at which time 'LTCO-N9508' had been up for 292 days, 17:32:00.

`Daily' Graph (5 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 7727.0 Mb/s (77.3%) 4514.5 Mb/s (45.1%) 2580.8 Mb/s (25.8%)
Out 7365.4 Mb/s (73.7%) 4577.7 Mb/s (45.8%) 2505.8 Mb/s (25.1%)

`Weekly' Graph (30 Minute Average)

Max Average Current
In 8074.7 Mb/s (80.7%) 4228.6 Mb/s (42.3%) 3035.6 Mb/s (30.4%)
Out 7535.0 Mb/s (75.3%) 4276.1 Mb/s (42.8%) 2968.9 Mb/s (29.7%)

`Monthly' Graph (2 Hour Average)

Max Average Current
In 8074.7 Mb/s (80.7%) 4195.9 Mb/s (42.0%) 6661.2 Mb/s (66.6%)
Out 7779.9 Mb/s (77.8%) 4237.9 Mb/s (42.4%) 6550.9 Mb/s (65.5%)

`Yearly' Graph (1 Day Average)

Max Average Current
In 9964.7 Mb/s (99.6%) 4908.3 Mb/s (49.1%) 4511.4 Mb/s (45.1%)
Out 9879.1 Mb/s (98.8%) 4954.5 Mb/s (49.5%) 4498.8 Mb/s (45.0%)
GREEN ### Incoming Traffic in Bits per Second
BLUE ### Outgoing Traffic in Bits per Second
DARK GREEN ### Maximal 5 Minute Incoming Traffic
MAGENTA ### Maximal 5 Minute Outgoing Traffic